The Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus) ranges from central Canada and Maine, all the way to California up to British Columbia, and south to Oklahoma. They live in woodland areas, fields, thickets, and overgrown areas. They are 7-8.5" and the male is black in his upper body, white underneath, and has bright patches on the flanks. The female is similar, but brown where the male is black. They lay 3-6 eggs and are primarily in the eastern part of Oklahoma.

The Melanerpes carolinus (commonly known as the Red-bellied Woodpecker) is a fascinating bird that can be seen year round in all parts of Oklhoma. They can be seen from South Dakota to New England, south to the Gulf Coast, and to Florida. They live in deciduous forests, wet woodlands, pine forests, oak woods, parks, shade trees, wooded bottomlands, and swamps. They are approximately 10" barred black and white, and usually lay 4-5 eggs in a tree that is usually near the edge of woodland.
The House Finch, or Carpodacus mexicanus, is a sparrow sized bird measuring about 5 to 6 inches and is one of the most abundant birds found in the Midwest. The males are a streaked brown color with a bright red breast. The females are the same streaked brown but they lack the red colored breast. These birds originate from Nebraska, but also range further east across the eastern half of the continent. Their main habit includes urban areas, suburbs, parks, farms, ranches, roadsides, bird feeders, and also deserts. These birds can be seen statewide in Oklahoma during the summer months, but during the winter they usually remain in the south and central part of the state.

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is an intersting bird. Its scientific name is Sphyrapicus varius. It is in Oklahoma only during migration, but can be seen all across the state while they are migrating. They are yellow, black, and white and usually lay five to six eggs at a time. they nest in the tree and guard sap from other birds. They live in deciduous forest in almost any wooded habitat. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker breeds from central Canada to Newfoundland and south across Missouri.
The Mallard, or as scientist say, the Anas platyrhynchos, is a much larger bird than the field sparrow and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. In fact, if children saw them they would say that this was a duck. Mallards are typically 18-27" with a white neck ring, chestnut breast, grayish body, and an orangish bill. they lay 8-10 eggs hidden in the grass until the eggs hatch. The Mallard is more common in Oklahoma during the winter, but are seen here year round. these birds are very tolerant of humans. They are found near fresh water in marshes, swamps, wetlands, ponds, and lakes. The Mallard ranges from Alaska and Canada, southward to Texas.
Progne subis, more commonly known as the Purple Martin, is the largest of the North American swallows. This bird is very popular with bird fans because they often perch in birdhouses that people make. In North America they live almost exclusively in birdhouses. They have a large head, thick chest, and broad pointed wings. In the summer they live in the United States from the great plains region east to the Atlantic.

The Carolina Wren, or Thryothorus ludovicianus, is a small bird measuring about 5 ½ inches. It has a rich brown color with long white eyebrows that run the length of its head. It is resident of the southeastern United States but can also be found north to Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, and southern New England. The Carolina Wren’s habitat includes brushy areas, moist woodlands and swamps, suburbs, gardens, tangles, and brush piles. They are very active birds but they do not migrate, and severe winters have sometimes decimated their population.
This is the Field Sparrow, known more specifically as the Spizella pusilla. It is a small bird that can be found in brushy pastures and old fields. It can be found year round from Texas all the way east
to the Atlantic ocean. In the summer they can fly up to the Midwest region of Nebraska, Iowa, and that area. Some of the unique features of the Field Sparrow is that it is a small bird, with a reddish cap, gray face, and has a pinkish bill.

Northern Cardinal, or Cardinalis cardinalis, is approximately 8-9" full grown. They live in woodlangs, fields, thickets, riparian areas, and other places in nature. they can be found in the eastern part of toe United States and south to the gulf coast. They lay 3-4 eggs in a nest made out of twigs, leaves, and plant fibers in a thicket. The cardinal is actually named after the red robes worn by the Roman Catholic Cardinals. The bird lives
in Oklahoma year round.

Field Sparrow
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Northern Cardinal
Purple Martin
Carolina Wren
House Finch
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Spotted Tohee
Western Kingbird
White-breasted Nuthatch
Blue Jay
Brown Thrasher
American Robin
Carolina Chickadee
Royal Tern
Eastern Screech Owl
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